Go to the My Pipettes section of your
Account Dashboard to order service.
If you do not have an account you must create one.

Our Services

VistaLab Technologies offers a variety of Calibration and Repair services for Ovation/MLA pipettes and Ali-Q to meet all regulatory requirements and ensure optimum performance. In order to maintain consistently reliable test results, pipettes should be serviced at least twice per year. With over 40+ years of servicing experience, you can be confident that your pipettes will be performing at their best.

ISO/IEC 17025:2017 Accredited

All service is performed in compliance with ISO 8655 in our state of the art, ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accredited metrology lab with equipment traceable through NIST to the International System of Units (SI) by expert certified technicians.
Choose from our pre-set service options, or request custom tailored service to meet your GLP/GMP requirements. For International Service orders, please use the International Service Order Form below. For customized service options, contact Technical Support.


Calibration Service Levels


All options include:
  • Thorough internal and external Inspection and Cleaning
  • Preventative Maintenance
  • Functional check and Leak test
  • Comprehensive, detailed Calibration Certificate
  • 90 day warranty on service/ 1 year warranty on parts



4 measurements at 2 volumes (100% and 10%) As-Left ONLY


4 measurements at 2 volumes (100% and 10%) As-Found
4 measurements at 2 volumes (100% and 10%) As-Left

(ISO 17025 accredited service)

4 measurements at 2 volumes (100% and 10%) As-Found
10 measurements at 2 volumes (100% and 10%) As-Left

(ISO 17025 accredited service)

4 measurements at 3 volumes (100%, 50%, 10%) As-Found
10 measurements at 3 volumes (100%, 50%, 10%) As-Left


*ISO 17025 compliant services also include:

  • ISO 17025 Compliant Calibration Certificate
  • Calibration Sticker w/ Date of next service
  • Extended Measurements for greater statistical certainty
  • Optional measurements of Uncertainty  (upon request)



  Sample CAL Certificate (CAL A & CAL B) Sample ISO Certificate (ISO A & ISO B)

Repair & Warranty

Register your pipette

Repair service can be added to any of our Calibration services for a flat fee (determined by pipette model) that covers labor, handling and basic replacement parts (nozzles, filters, keypads, etc).  Any required parts not covered (PCB’s, motors, piston assemblies, etc) will be added to the overall service charge.  We will contact customers of any added charges and only move forward with repairs once approval is received.

All repairs are done using Original Manufacturer’s parts. Other calibration labs may use generic parts which can affect performance and require more frequent maintenance. VistaLab repair service also covers replacement of uncommon wear parts as standard procedure. Customers can request repair reports by contacting Technical Support.


Warranty on all services performed on MLA/Ovation pipettes and Ali-Q 90 days from the date of service:

  • Must provide VistaLab Order # and Pipettes’ 6-digit Serial Number
  • For calibration discrepancies, pipettes can be sent back (at customers expense) inspected and have calibration verified.
  • Installed replacement parts warrantied for 1 year from date of service
  • Warranty voided for improper handling, unauthorized modification or use with corrosive chemicals

Contact Technical Support for instructions to send in for Warranty services



  Cal A Cal B ISO A ISO B  
As-Found Testing n/a 2x4 2x4 3x4
As-Left Testing 2x4 2x4 2x10 3x10
Cal Certificate Cal Report Cal Report ISO Report ISO Report
Uncertainty Data - - Optional Optional
Cal Sticker - - Incl Incl
MLA         Repair
Fixed Volume* $58 $79 $98 n/a + $15
Adjustable Volume** $79 $110 $130 $156 + $25
Ovation Single Channel         Repair
Fixed Volume* (F1 & F2) $45 $66 $84 n/a + $35
Manual Operation (QS, M) $58 $79 $98 $124 + $35
Elec. Operation (ESC, Macro) $71 $90 $110 $137 + $35
Ovation Multichannel        
(E8, E12 - Cal Cert for 1 ch only)
$110 $150 $182 $215 $65
(E8 - Cal Cert for all 8 ch's)
$166 $219 $252 $331 $65
(E12 - Cal Cert for all 12 ch's)
$231 $284 $336 $411 $65
Pipet controller
$58 $79 n/a n/a + $35

Customers will be notified if additional charges apply

Pricing subject to change

*Fixed Volume models only tested at 1 (nominal) volume
**MLA Adjustable models tested at 3 volumes by default


Average turnaround time (not guaranteed):
MLA pipettes:  5-7 business days
Ovation pipettes: 5-10 business days
Ovation MULTI8 or MULTI12 service: 10-20 business days (choose MULTI 1 for faster turnaround!)
Ali-Q: 3-5 business Days


How often should I calibrate my pipettes?

As the manufacturer of MLA/Ovation pipettes and Ali-Q, VistaLab recommends performing routine maintenance and calibration verification on pipettes at least once every 6-12 months (depending on how often they are used and what they are used with). 

Required maintenance and calibration intervals are determined by your labs’ internal quality/ regulatory system. Customers should always first consult with their quality department.

Maintenance and Calibration Frequency

What is the difference between As-Found and As-Left data?

As-Found – Pipette performance is tested before any parts are replaced or any calibration adjustments are made (Verification)

As-Left – Pipette performance is tested after seals and O-rings are replaced and calibration adjustments are made (Calibration)

What does Preventative Maintenance include?

Preventative Maintenance is the cleaning and lubricating of plunger and pistons followed by the replacement of normal ‘wear’ parts- including, but not limited to, O-rings, seals, nozzles and filters. 

Can I use another brand of pipette tips when calibrating?

While there may be other brands of tips that fit with Ovation and MLA pipettes, they are factory calibrated with VistaLab brand tips. Different brand tips have different dimensions and geometries, so performance will vary from tip to tip.  If pipettes are used with another brand tips, customer should adjust pipettes’ calibration according to the procedure described in the models’ corresponding Operators Manual.

Can I adjust my pipettes' calibration in my lab?

Yes. MLA and Ovation pipettes can be adjusted in the lab to linearly increase or decrease volume delivery to adapt to different laboratory testing conditions. Refer to Performance Verification documents for MLA or Ovation. We recommend replacing piston seals and lubricating before any calibration adjustments are made.

What brands of pipettes do you calibrate?

We only calibrate VistaLab MLA/Ovation pipettes and Ali-Q.

What is the turnaround time for Calibration?

Typically 2-3 days for MLA pipettes and 5-7 days for Ovation pipettes (not including shipping time). 

What volume do I use to calibrate my pipette?

MLA and Ovation pipettes leave the factory calibrated at their published specs, or 100%, 50% and 10% of maximum value. For frequently used volumes that are not published, it is the discretion of the customer to adjust for that volume. Refer to pipette Specifications.

How do I place an order or obtain a quote for Calibration and/or Repair Services?

Pipette calibration and repair orders can only be placed through our website. Quotes can also be generated through our website.

To send in your Vistalab Ovation pipette(s) or MLA pipette(s) or Ali-Q for Calibration and repair service:

  • Log in to your Account (or Create New Account if this is your first time)
  • Go to the My Pipettes page on your dashboard
  • Add/Register your pipettes (use your own assigned customer ID if there is no serial number
  • Select desired Calibration Level  (CAL A, CAL B, ISO A, ISO B)
  • If repair is necessary, click the Repair option and include a description of what needs repair (toggle the arrow in the bottom right corner to expand the box if necessary)
  • Select pipettes from your registered list
  • Click “Order calibration” which adds the items to your cart and proceed to checkout with your preferred payment method (Credit card or Purchase order**) or you can generate a quote from your cart.
  • Complete and Print Calibration and Repair Confirmation Form(found in Order Details or Order Confirmation email) and include in the box with pipettes when sending in.
  • Ship to our facility (address on forms)

**To use Purchase Orders as a payment method, customers must now submit a one-time Credit Application to cboccia@celltreat.com to receive an Assigned Customer Code that must be entered at checkout. Customer will need to include Assigned Customer Code, PO # and attach a digital copy (.pdf) of the Purchase Order to complete online orders.**

What is the Uncertainty measurement?

According to the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), measurement uncertainty is a parameter that describes the range of values that could reasonably be attributed to a measurement result

In short, it’s an expanded measurement that takes into account all the variance/tolerance of all the equipment and factors used to measure the dispensed volume– including (but not limited to) the accuracy of the weighing scales, thermometers, hygrometers, and technicians performing the calibration.



In our lab, we all experience shoulder and wrist strains and overall tightness in the back and shoulders from using axial pipettes. With the Ovation, though, you don't have to hold it up very high to clear the test tubes. And the tips fit so well, they're easy to put on and easy to eject.

Serena G, Microbiologist

I wish the Ovation had been available 10 years ago. I'm convinced I would have never developed Carpal Tunnel Syndrome from pipetting. The Ovation uses nice, gentle motions without force. All the stresses and strains of the standard pipette are totally gone.

Karen Sklowoski, Medical Technologist, Marymount South Lab Copy

I was having a lot of pain in my wrist. I started using Ovation, and in less than a week, I stopped having problems!

Dr. George Stearns, Sr. Research Biologist, Nalco Chemical Company

Ovation pipettes are very easy to use. My hands never get tired or hurt when I use them. Their ergonomics distinguish them from all other pipettes. I have arthritis in my hands and these pipettes never stress my joints. Other pipettes make me reach uncomfortably or need too much pressure to release the tip. I absolutely love Ovation pipettes, would not use anything else!

Nancy Streets, BS, MT(ASCP)SH, QCYM, Flow Cytometry Laboratory, Yellowstone Pathology Institute, Inc.