As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, the ali-Q 2 is proving to be a vital asset for those performing crucial repetitive procedures in the laboratory to develop vaccines.
Dr. Julie McAuley, Senior Research Officer at the Doherty Institute, reached out to VistaLab because she needed a repeat pipet controller that could deliver consistent aliquots with minimal manual labor.
“I am currently doing SARS-CoV-2 research (the virus that causes COVID-19) and am having to do a lot of repetitive overlaying for my anti-viral neutralization testing and for our vaccine studies.“*
Different applications used in her research require changing the aliquoting speed. Referring to her recent purchase of an ali-Q 2 VS (Variable Speed):
“I love it. It’s being put to extensive use in my PC3 lab where we are conducting all important CoVID-19 research. As you can imagine, we have a large amount of assays to perform, with lots of aliquoting to do accurately and this pipette has saved us hours already.
The variable speed control means that when I’m overlaying agar onto cells, I can smoothly control the speed the hot agar is delivered and that the monolayer isn’t disturbed. Everyone that has used it has loved it.”
We love hearing what scientists such as Dr. Julie McAuley say about ali-Q:
“This is the second of what we call the “Beast-ettes”. They really have come in handy for our research (both PC2 and PC3).”
– Julie McAuley, Ph D, Doherty Institute, Melbourne, Australia
A fun fact Julie shared with us:
*This work is being done in the same facility as the laboratory that was the world-first to culture the currently circulating Coronavirus from a laboratory specimen. They currently have the original ali-Q in their BSL2 facilities, “which we find invaluable and use it just about every day…”
Read more about how ali-Q 2 is helping in the COVID-19 battle.